The Foundation Ready Set Go Program is due to start tomorrow, Tuesday 27th February, in the Foundation Classrooms. Thank you to the people who have volunteered their time for this very important program. The program needs a minimum of 3 adults in each room to run...
Upon the request from myself, School Council President Jodi Price and Vice President Kylie Murphy, an official hygienist report was conducted earlier in this week. We have been informed at 7pm this evening that the student toilets are to be closed until works have...
The staff at Cranbourne South Primary School are very excited to introduce our new school blog, ‘Connect to CSPS’! The purpose of the blog is to keep our school community regularly updated on the learning opportunities that we provide our students at CSPS....
Following due process for commencement of the school year, Stage One; Setting the Election Framework and Calling Nominations has now opened. School Council; Notice of Election and Call for Nominations An election is to be conducted for one DET and 5 parents members of...
As outlined in the School Uniform Policy (see attached), please ensure all students understand and abide by uniform expectations. The areas requiring further support by families are: * Students are in full school uniform in relation to the approved school colours and...