Education Week 2016

May 15th – 21st was a celebration of Education week here at Cranbourne South Primary School. We had lots of special activities occurring along with the theme of ‘Technology: Create Your Future’. On Wednesday, 18 May, we held an open day for parents, where we showcased our technology skills. There was lots of positive feedback, with many parents impressed with what the students could do. Thank you to those parents who were able to come along on this day. On Friday, 20 May, we continued the excitement with a whole-school rotation of multi-age ‘Building Technology’ activities. The students had a wonderful time with so much to tell and report about. The variety of activities that students participated in was huge; we had carrot racing cars, marshmallow and spaghetti towers, chickpea buildings and bucket structures. We would like to say thank you to all the staff and volunteers for helping to make our Education Week a success.