The CSPS Sun Protection and heat policy has recently been updated per School Council endorsement.
Through strong communication with Cancer Council Victoria, there are few notable updates of which we wish to bring to the attention of families:

  • The school will enforce the rule ‘NO Hat. No Play” from the beginning of mid-August until the end of April (NOT Term 1 and 4 only).  Students without broad brimmed hats will be restricted to designated shaded areas.
  • Students will be actively encouraged to provide and wear SPF30 (or higher) broad spectrum, water resistant sunscreen. Sunscreen will be provided in each classroom(It is preferable that families provide their own sunscreen, in their child’s school bag) and on excursions. Sunscreen will be applied by students 20 minutes (where possible) before going outdoors, under the supervision of teachers. Sunscreen is reapplied every two hours or more frequently if sweating or swimming.

Below is the full Sun Protection and heat policy for your reference.
Any questions, please contact Monique Corcoran, PRINCIPAL.

CSPS Sun Protection and heat policy