Hi CSPS community
Within the past few weeks, and as recent as the past 24 hours, it has been bought to my attention that social media is being misused by 1% of the adults 1% of the time for evil not good.
Although we are not naive that this occurs within some circles on a regular basis, I would like to know that the Cranbourne South community will continue to rally behind CSPS to ensure that such is of a minimum.  Imagine if 99% of adults 99% of the time posted information that was factual, solution based and celebratory… 🙂  This would be an empowerment and embrace movement of phenomenal proportions.
In this fast paced age, it is essential that we are role models to our children ie. if incorrect information or actions are portraying others incorrectly by disgruntled individuals, to not be a bystander but stand up for what we believe in; Community Spirit, Partnerships to Success.
I cannot stress enough the importance that we at CSPS celebrate what state education has and will always represent – inclusivity for all, acceptance of individual differences and being empathetic in addressing the needs of all students.
School Council and I would like to re-emphasise that if anyone would like a question answered, information confirmed or require factual information, to merely contact the office and arrange a time to speak directly to the Principal class.
Monique Corcoran